Sunday at 3:00PM

Dear Rose Park,

Will you strive to fulfill faithfully, diligently, and cheerfully, all the duties of a minister of Christ: to preach the Word of God in sincerity, to administer the sacraments in purity, to maintain proper discipline in the household of God, and to shepherd the flock faithfully?

I will, and I ask God to help me.

This is one of the many questions that I will be asked and responses I will offer on Sunday at 3:00PM. At 3:00PM I will officially be installed as the pastor of Rose Park Reformed Church. I’d love to see you there for this brief worship service. I’d love to hear your voice as we sing the doxology. And I’d love for you to get know my Grandpa Brinks, who will hopefully be here from Kalamazoo.

Though this is a service of installation, it’s not all about me…not even close. It’s a service of thanksgiving, prayer, grace, and preparation for the journey ahead. It serves as a hopeful foundation for a long and faithful relationship to God. This is exactly why you as the congregation have a speaking role in the service as well. An officer of the classis will invite you all to stand and ask you a few questions (don’t worry they give you the answer every time). One question is:

Do you promise to encourage and pray for him; to labor together in obedience to the gospel for the honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unity, purity, and peace of the church, and the welfare of the whole world?

We do.

I am encouraged and held accountable by this question and answer because not only does it point us towards working together but it also reminds us of the aim or goal of our work. We gather on Sunday mornings to preach the Gospel and praise the name of God not for our glory or for the convenience of fellowship but instead for the glory of Jesus, the unity, purity, and peace of the church, and the welfare of the whole world.

When we see worship through this lens we are reminded of the importance of laboring together for the Kingdom of God. I hope and pray that Sunday at 3:00PM can be a cornerstone moment for all of us as we begin a covenant relationship together. I hope and pray God uses our work as a beacon of hope for the surrounding community, the regional church, and the Kingdom of God. And last, I pray for God’s blessing upon our work together that we might honor Christ with everything we do and everything we say.

I hope to see you at Sunday at 3:00PM.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Mark