Dear Rose Park,

I grew up at Calvary Reformed Church on 8th Street in Holland Heights. Calvary served as the fertile soil for my faith to grow. I went to the Wednesday night ministry called “Kid’s Club”, I was a part of the middle school and then high school youth group, I participated in multiple mission trips over the years, and I was even ordained in Calvary’s sanctuary just after graduating from seminary. Calvary will always have a special place in my heart, but it also has a special place on my wrist.

Many of you are familiar with the WWJD bracelets; what you might not be familiar with is that the creator of those bracelets was a member of Calvary Reformed Church. In 1989 Janie Tinklenberg, after reading a collection of sermons entitled What Would Jesus Do?, designed the bracelets for the youth group to wear. These small bracelets are a simple reminder for our hearts, minds, and souls to be pondering and discerning the person of Jesus throughout all aspects of life.

Fast forward to last week. Like many of you, my online shopping habits have become worrisome during the quarantine. I was looking to order some new WWJD bracelets online when I found a new acronym that I had never heard of: HWLF. I went to the website (www.hewouldlovefirst.com) and found it was a company that’s slogan was “The Answer to What Would Jesus Do.” The answer is this: He Would Love First. As soon as I read it, I smiled (I also clicked ‘add to cart’).

I worry we over-complicate the Christian faith; too often we become so immersed in the doctrines and intricacies of theology that we lose sight of the simplicity of Jesus. He would love first; that’s exactly what Jesus would do. Jesus would love us, them, and everyone. He would love us by embracing our sinful hearts. He would love us by speaking the truth of the Gospel. He would love us by remaining faithful in difficult times. He would love us by inspiring us to love our neighbors. What would Jesus do? He would love first.

I hope and pray that in the midst of this odd and unusual time that you can embrace the love of Jesus so that you can love first as well.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Mark